Social Policy

Whilst the most important corporate priority of Rusneftegaz is to promote our own economic interest, we fully comprehend the impacts our activities have. This is not merely with regard to our own employees and their families, but also the local population and surrounding environment. As a result, our management have created comprehensive policies to guarantee the integrity of all aspects of our business, such as controlling and or mitigating the risk our operations may have on the locations in which we are currently active. Although these efforts are a key tenet of our values, it is just as vital to undertake significant measures to simultaneously ensure the welfare of our staff. The primary conduit of this is by upholding industrial health policies in accordance with, or in excess of, contemporary local legislation and international norms. At present, our organization fully complies with the relevant terms of both ISO 14001 and 45001, which dictate the contemporary best practices with regard to safety and environmental management respectively. These codes and protocols are fundamentally incorporated into all our systems and processes, with our board of directors aspiring to deploy the highest standards available, ultimately guaranteeing that all work conducted is safe and the number of potential occupational injuries is minimized. Throughout our history, we have been consistent in our efforts to improve the working conditions of our personnel and contractors, with our company adopting modern production methods and using the latest technologies at the earliest opportunity. 

Consequently, over the past two decades there has been continuous declines in the number who are considered to be employed in a harmful setting, with this statistic projected to fall further in the years ahead. However, at sites where it is problematic to allay such hazards, Rusneftegaz routinely conducts special assessments to appraise the current situation at these places. Active monitoring forms the basis of our broader prevention strategies, and ultimately ensures that all stipulations are fully adhered to accordingly. We regularly review the quality of our other production areas, albeit not to the same extent as those considered possibly dangerous, using data and metrics that represent the risk of harm. This entails auditing common issues, such as noise and vibration, in addition to labor intensity and chemical exposure. The information ascertained can then be utilized to outline proposals to improve the caliber of working conditions and make appropriate adjustments. Whilst this may involve changing our equipment or systems, it could also include making alterations to the mandatory health and safety training provided to our new employees before starting a role with us. In these sessions, each individual will extensively study the potential industrial hazards and harmful substances used in our extraction processes. This is in conjunction with the conceivable risks associated with their work, the causes of accidents, and how dangers can be mollified through the correct use of personal protection equipment. As a basic measure, we offer this apparatus for free to all our staff that are occupied in a manual setting. This is in addition to specialist uniforms, all of which are high quality and certified to all applicable standards. 

Such material is supplied so readily by our organization due to the fact that Rusneftegaz is fundamentally committed to the occupational welfare of our personnel. We frequently consult all of our affiliated parties on the extent of the actions undertaken, and make pertinent revisions as per this advice. Consequently, we now provide a higher caliber of accommodation under the terms of our housing program for all our employees working in remote regions. Under such a scheme, we give all our staff and their families, if necessary, a respectable standard of living near their place of work. This may be either a comfortable, fully furnished apartment owned by our enterprise, or additional monetary compensation to cover rental costs for private, state or municipal housing. Whilst this policy is adequate for all who relocate permanently, we also maintain on-site camps for those who work on rotation for thirty days before returning to their regular homes. Such premises hold amenable residential quarters, in conjunction with an abundance of sports and recreation facilities. Likewise, we guarantee that all isolated sites will be adequately resourced with extensive provisions, including meals that are healthy and made from superior-quality ingredients. It should be emphasized that the travel costs and expenses to and from these locations will be borne by us, regardless of whether it is domestic or international or for temporary or permanent relocation. In all cases, this includes the transportation of baggage and personal effects, and all charges affiliated with their corresponding family members. 

At Rusneftegaz, we aim to not only attend to your own individual requirements, but also that of your loved-ones. Therefore, our care provision is well in excess of the minimum standards required by legislation, with this being a fundamental tenet of our principles. Thus, our company invests vast resources in this scope, particularly into clinical infrastructure and other preventative measures within the vicinity of our properties. This comprises first aid posts, paramedic stations and onsite offices and examination rooms for use by both doctors and physicians, all of which provide convenient access to urgent treatment. Whilst such assets are designed for use in emergencies, we simultaneously maintain similar schemes to ensure our personnel retain their vigor, and are capable of functioning at the highest level accordingly. Upon joining Rusneftegaz, all new recruits undergo a mandatory pre-employment screening performed by a specialist to ascertain their suitability to the job, the scope of which is in compliance with Russian law. If the results are sufficient, each of our employees will later be subject solely to an annual checkup, but also offered routine vaccinations and may receive additional examination by request. Those who function in more extreme circumstances receive supplementary tests at a designated medical center that has the capacity to accurately assess their fitness. It should be noted that our organization is committed to privacy, and thus we do not have ongoing access to any sensitive information, nor are private health details communicated to us unless willingly shared. 

To uphold these conventions, we maintain a rigorous code of ethics as a comprehensive guide defining the principles that we demand our personnel adhere to. Such a guide is principally used to regulate workplace behavior, whilst also encouraging all signatories to achieve their potential. For instance, when enforcing disciplinary procedures, management shall use the processes defined in the policy to guarantee that sanctions are fair and proportionate. Likewise, it additionally discloses the conditions that must be satisfied for the payment of certain employees bonuses, in conjunction to setting forth other schemes that can be utilized to motivate workers and assist our business in fulfilling developmental targets. In most circumstances, these benefits are paid to reward attainment and remunerate personal improvement. Therefore, we actively encourage all our staff and affiliates to make an unbiased assessment of their own accomplishments at the end of every quarter, and eventually form plans for their own growth and training. During this appraisal, we similarly ask each member of our workforce to evaluate the performance of their department and the entity as a whole, without concern for reprisals. Correspondingly, the senior leadership debate as to how such affairs and processes can be improved and enhanced accordingly, with particular regard to pay, training and company administration. It is hoped that this transparency from the board of directors shall lead to the recruitment and retention of the highest caliber of personnel, whilst resulting in the development of a growing, dynamic and robust enterprise. We also remain similarly optimistic that it can inspire continued advancement of our operations, and yield more efficient governance of our business in the months, years and decades ahead.