Rusneftegaz can confirm that we have issued a full preliminary calendar for the 2025 fiscal year, with the most significant event set to be the disclosure of our consolidated financial statements on 1 April. This shall occur three days before our Annual General Meeting, where our executive leadership will convene with our key stakeholders to discuss the economic prospects for our corporation and approve any strategic decisions that may be implemented over the duration of the next year. Nonetheless, it should be noted that the board may also opt to host an Extraordinary General Meeting in the spring or summer following the completion of the review of our business structure, which was disclosed by our management at the end of September. If this were to happen, all prospective attendees would be notified accordingly at least sixty days prior to enable proxy or absentee ballots to be processed. Beyond this, the next twelve months are expected to progress as anticipated, with our company continuing to publish our production data four weeks after the conclusion of each quarter. All of these dates for the next year have been published in their entirety on our official website, but may be subject to change. However, our directors do not anticipate any major alterations to the timing of these events in the immediate future, and any potential modifications will be announced if deemed necessary.
As our 25th anniversary celebrations draw to a close, it should be considered that we will be unable to respond to any inquiries in the midst of the festive period as a result of the increased number of staff vacations during the Christmas season. Consequently, we politely request to any of those of whom that may be affected by this to contact us as soon as it is practical to do so. Otherwise, a prompt reply may not be received before the New Year holidays end, and whilst all our communication channels will be monitored in this timeframe for any urgent communications, it will not be a priority for our enterprise to resolve any correspondences submitted after 24 December 2024. Subsequently, our organization will then return to full administrative capacity on 9 January 2025, and we will address all outstanding messages within one working day. This also includes all our partners, subsidiaries and affiliates, each of whom is similarly impacted by these events. However, it must be noted that all of our other commercial activities will continue as normal throughout this time, including all aspects of our production and trading programs, which shall be entirely unaffected. Considering the information contained in this bulletin, any questions pertaining to this announcement must be directed either via email or telephone without delay. We necessitate your cooperation and understanding in relation to this pressing matter.