Preliminary 2024 Calendar Published

Our executive leadership can today circulate a comprehensive provisional calendar for the upcoming fiscal year, the main highlight of which is scheduled to occur at the beginning of April, when our organization convenes for our Annual General Meeting. While this date may be subject to change, it will provide an ample opportunity for all those involved in the affairs and operations of Rusneftegaz to coalesce, principally to facilitate debate and discussion regarding our present activities and future strategies. Prior to this showpiece event, we will be promulgating our 2023 consolidated financial statements for all our key stakeholders and any other interested parties three days before the main convention itself. Similarly, we expect to continue our current practice of disclosing exhaustive production data four weeks after each quarter concludes, although it should be noted that it is expected that additional dates may be added to our corporate schedule in due course. This is solely due to the fact that in 2024 we shall be marking our 25th anniversary, and thus we anticipate making a series of announcements early next year informing how we intend to commemorate this momentous occasion. We are optimistic that these celebrations will serve as a major element of what will ultimately be a successful year for our business, and the aforementioned festivities will involve all the staff associated with our enterprise regardless of their location. 

In the weeks ahead, however, it must be acknowledged that our capacity to answer any inquiries will be limited as a result of employee vacations over the Christmas and New Year holiday. During this timeframe, which is forecast to occur between 25 December 2023 and 9 January 2024, none of our other corporate activities will be impacted, and our production will continue as normal. Whilst communications throughout this period will be monitored, we cannot wholly guarantee that we will return any correspondences that may be urgent, and the sender may have to wait until the resumption of business for a reply. With this considered, we advise anyone who seeks to contact our corporation, or any member of our personnel, to do so prior to this date to secure a response in due course. Once our full administrative service has resumed, we will endeavor to address all pending messages within one working day, as will all our partners, subsidiaries and affiliates, all of whom are also affected. The preliminary calendar is available in its entirety on our official website, and although the dates are subject to change, any major alterations are not anticipated by our managements at this time. Any queries concerning this announcement should be directed towards customary channels as soon as possible, primarily to enable us to respond before our capability to do so is restricted. We urge your cooperation and understanding in relation to this most pertinent matter.