On occasion, we deem it necessary to update all our current and prospective customers regarding potential risks and threats to their businesses. These communications have been approved by our senior leadership and published below for all relevant parties to access. The warnings are routinely updated in accordance with any significant changes that may occur and may be removed if no longer considered pertinent. Any queries with regard to this information may be directed via the conventional channels.
Fraud Warning
We complete all our activities not only in full compliance with the law, but also to high ethical standards to minimize the risk of corruption, fraud, waste, and abuse. All said transgressions are tantamount to serious misconduct, and if not prevented have the potential to cost our company millions of dollars or be subjected to criminal sanctions. Thus, we maintain meticulous procedures and protocols to not only mitigate illegality within Rusneftegaz, but also to stop the possibility of malpractice arising in the first place. The primary conduit for this is through extensive and rigorous internal audit of all aspects of corporate life to prevent criminality and negligence, in addition to perpetuating transparency in all areas of our operations.
For instance, to avert opportunities for fraud, Rusneftegaz sells all but a minority of our petroleum-based goods via recognized brokers operating on both domestic and global commodity exchanges, and does not offer any of our products for sale publicly. These markets, which have due processes that make it impossible for monetary loss to occur, are used by us for trading purposes. This includes the Saint-Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange and the St. Petersburg Exchange, both of which have long-standing reputations and history. Our remaining business is conducted via bidding in tenders organized by the entities controlling major infrastructure and heavy industrial plants, although this only constitutes a nominal percentage of our revenues.
However, we frequently receive dubious solicitations for the supply of both crude oil and refined products via email and telephone. The offers, which are usually derived from free accounts provided by the multinational technology companies, almost exclusively originate from both fraudsters and those who are ignorant of the correct way to purchase petroleum. Despite the frequency of these messages, we have never concluded a deal that originated via electronic means, and do not believe we shall do so in the immediate future. As a result, Rusneftegaz rejects all prospective contracts that are submitted in this manner without conducting any due diligence, with our organization advising any willing and able buyer to find a regulated broker to meet their requirements.
We can therefore attest that under no circumstances will we ever appoint any entity or individual to act as an agent, mandate, or any other similar title, to sell goods on our behalf. We can also verify that anyone who claims to have such authority is a fraudster, and should be reported to both law enforcement and our fraud prevention officer promptly. Similarly, our enterprise can likewise confirm that we do not sell any of our products via any social media channel or business-to-business website, with any listing or offer bearing our name or branding being entirely fake. To reassert aforementioned statements, we maintain the highest ethical standards when trading commodities, both domestically and internationally, to uphold good corporate governance and eliminate corruption, waste, and abuse. Thus, we will never provide endorsements or recommendations for any brokers, shipping companies or oil storage terminals.
Notwithstanding this, we can clarify that in recent times our company has been subject to the fraudulent use of our name, logos and corporate identity by nefarious individuals and groups. In such instances, scammers send victims bogus offers for the purchase of either the crude or refined petroleum we produce, including the use of forged contracts, price lists, letterheads, and bank instructions. We can also confirm that in the majority of cases, the identities of real employees are used to deceive intended targets, although upon occasion the names used by these criminals have no affiliation with us. We have observed situations where web addresses similar to the domain were registered to perpetuate scams, such as sending deceptive emails. Further to this, such messages allegedly originating from our organization may include hyperlinks to our genuine website in an attempt to appear authentic.
Such communications could also contain malicious links to hoax websites that may utilize material stolen from our own official site to seem legitimate, and make attempts to phish for personal data. Moreover, fraudsters have been noted for requesting payments to companies with names that are identical or similar to Rusneftegaz, or those of our subsidiaries, but are not affiliated with our organization. It is also noteworthy that none of our executives, including our Chief Executive Officer, will ever act as a signatory to a transaction or contract arranged by us. Thus, any agreement that appears to have been signed by any such figure can immediately be disregarded as deceitful, as we delegate power of attorney to the relevant member of our staff to endorse any arrangement we enter.
The most common scheme used by criminals involves the use of forged over the counter, or off-exchange, contracts that allegedly demand payment to a third party fulfilling the role of a broker. However, we will never do any business with anyone looking to act as an unregulated intermediary on behalf of another entity. A proposal where our organization is asked to pay commission for the facilitation of a deal is promptly and unilaterally rejected with prejudice. Likewise, we do not enter multilateral arrangements whereby we cede the right to sell our products, especially when a purported buyer would be obliged to make payments to an agent. As aforementioned, we do not execute our transactions in this manner, and under no scenario will we ever employ a middleman to send commercial offers. Rusneftegaz can also clarify that we will never finalize any contract or delivery via email, and if any individual or company is requested to pay a supposed representative to purchase our goods, it is a scam.
We request that all prospective commodity buyers remain perennially vigilant to fraud, and that all actors conduct extensive due diligence on their potential counterparties. Do not under any circumstances transmit funds to anyone acting in our name without clarifying settlement details and procedures with us first. It is vital to note that we do not use any third parties to settle payments, such as PayPal, as we require that all monies are sent directly to our bank accounts by wire or bank transfer. If doubts arise regarding the authority or role of anybody who claims to work for or on our behalf, we ask that you tell us immediately via any of the conventional channels on our website to verify their legitimacy. Crucially, we strongly recommend that all those suspicious of someone asserting to represent us to check the telephone numbers and the domain of the email address used to facilitate communication, either by cross-referencing with the resources on or by contacting us through the means disclosed on our official site.
Please avoid using any contact details that have been acquired through unverified sources before making any arrangements or transferring funds to anyone purporting to work on our behalf. We will gladly clarify the credibility of anybody claiming to be affiliated with us, or the authenticity of a document, if necessary. Also note that all information pertaining to our organization can be obtained from, and that the materials on other sites may be incorrect or illegitimate. We routinely notify the appropriate legal authorities regarding all the fraudulent websites, entities, and schemes we uncover, and always advocate for the implementation of harsh custodial sanctions against those who attempt to perpetuate these offenses. If you believe that you are a victim of an economic crime committed in the name of our company, we advise you to inform local law enforcement immediately, and report the incident to us via the particulars listed below.
Rusneftegaz, Building 1, ul. 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya 39, Moscow, 125047