This website is the property of and operated by Rusneftegaz, a Russian oil company that maintains a registered office at Building 1, ul. 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 39, Moscow, Russian Federation, 125047, and may also be referred to herein as “the company” or “the organization”. Your use of this site and its services will constitute your agreement to the terms and conditions listed in this legal notice, which may also be henceforth known as “the legal notice”. Once accepted, this constitutes a binding arrangement between you as the user of this website and the company, which shall ultimately govern your use of this site and its provisions. Rusneftegaz may elect to change the terms of this legal notice at any time it so desires, with such amendments taking effect immediately thereafter. With your continued and ongoing use of this website, you agree to be bound by any modifications to this legal notice. All users should therefore regularly visit this webpage to review the current terms and conditions for any alterations which may affect your usage of this service, and any other affiliated content. Rusneftegaz endeavors to maintain the confidentiality of all personal data submitted on this website as mandated by all appropriate laws and statutes. By visiting this site and transferring any information that makes the user personally identifiable, such as contact details, to the organization, you fully agree to adhere to the Confidentiality Policy and the User Agreement. These documents have not been published on this webpage at this present time, but are available upon request.
Indemnification and Limits of Liability
By agreeing to the terms and conditions that comprise this legal notice, all users of this website agree to wholly indemnify and hold Rusneftegaz harmless from any liabilities, claims, costs and or expenses arising as a consequence of the misuse of this site and or its contents. This also includes any infringements with regard to the intellectual property rights of the company, or any breach of this binding contract that may otherwise constitute a violation of the law. Rusneftegaz will not be held liable for any direct, consequential, incidental or similar damages that arise from the access, use, or inability to use, the contents of this website or any other linked site. This is in spite of the fact that the organization has undertaken comprehensive and extensive measures to ensure the accuracy of the material disclosed on this website, and regularly reviews the content of this site to mitigate the likelihood of inadvertent misstatements or factual errors from being published fortuitously. However, Rusneftegaz does not accept any responsibility for the actions of individuals or entities that occur as a result of the information obtained from this website. The organization will also not be held liable for any failure of performance, defect, error, interruption, omission, computer virus, system failure or delay in operation or transmission associated with this site. By accepting these terms and agreeing to wholly indemnify Rusneftegaz, this agreement shall extend to protect all the officers, directors, shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, employees, agents and any other representatives affiliated with the company without recourse from future action.
Access to the website and use of its contents are conducted solely at the discretion and risk of the user. Whilst Rusneftegaz has undertaken every available measure to ensure that the information published on this site is both accurate and contemporaneous, all materials disclosed reflect the current knowledge of its own affairs, and thus includes varying degrees of risk and uncertainty. Consequently, the organization accepts no responsibility for any actions emerging either as a direct or indirect result of the matter published on, or accessed via, this website. This is regardless of whether the aforementioned material is provided by Rusneftegaz or a third party. The site, and all the text, images and documents published within, are available on an as-is basis, with the company reserving the right to amend these at any time without prior notice. No warranties or representations are made by Rusneftegaz regarding this website or any of its content, including the timeliness, accuracy, completeness, reliability, availability, or relevance of any information disclosed therein. To the greatest extent permissible by applicable laws, the organization excludes any such warranties and representations that may otherwise be implied, and excludes all liability with respect to this website, and all matter published within it. As such, all corporate details are provided for information purposes only and may be obsolete, albeit continual effort is made to ensure that it is updated frequently. Rusneftegaz also cannot guarantee that the use of this site will be secure or uninterrupted, or that any defects will be corrected. Furthermore, the organization cannot wholly attest that this website is free from error, viruses, harmful codes, or any other matter that infringes third-party rights, although every endeavor has been made to mitigate such risks. The company holds the right at any time to change the stipulations set out in this disclaimer. Continued use of this website constitutes acceptance by the visitor to observance of the conditions dictated by any new terms accordingly.
Intellectual Property
All the information and materials published on this website are protected by the relevant intellectual property rights legislation, and are owned solely by Rusneftegaz, and its subsidiaries, affiliates and partners, who may use all such material exclusively. This is inclusive of all copyright and contents for this site, including without limitation all text, images, graphics, code and any other intellectual property subsisting within this website. The organization reserves all rights to such content, including the term “Rusneftegaz”, which is prohibited from being used to promote any individual or entity without signed approval. Under no circumstances should any information disclosed on this website be construed as granting any privileges, rights or licenses beyond the freedom to view the content on the domain. All users are strictly prohibited from wholly or partially copying or modifying this site, including any of the matter published herein, in any form. This is not limited to, but is inclusive of, incorporation into any other websites or publications, and any framing. The material on this website should never be used to create any derivative works, as this may violate the intellectual property rights of the organization. No party should ever use or copy any material on this site without documented permission from Rusneftegaz, including for non-commercial and personal purposes. The company reserves the right, but has no obligation, to change this material at any time. Do not use any of the trademarks or copyright of Rusneftegaz, or its subsidiaries, affiliates and partners, without the prior written permission of the company. The organization will use all available legal remedies to protect its intellectual property rights, and may utilize the relevant judicial system if a contravention or breach cannot be settled amicably.
Data Usage
Rusneftegaz has developed and approved comprehensive internal policies regarding the processing of personal data to ensure the integrity of all identifiable information transferred to the company. The organization exerts every available effort necessary to comply with terms stipulated by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006, No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, and accordingly will not collect any user information through the usage of this website unless it is voluntarily provided by the user. This is primarily conducted by communicating with the organization via email, telephone, or through the site. For instance, this may involve applying for a vacancy, or submitting a general inquiry. Rusneftegaz will only use the provided data to facilitate contact regarding the subject disclosed in the message. The company will retain this information, including any affiliated correspondences, for its records and will not disclose the contents of these communications to any unaffiliated third parties unless obliged to do so by law, or if it is necessary to further address the issue. In certain circumstances, the organization may opt to cede a correspondence to the appropriate law enforcement agency if it is believed that the sender is willfully attempting to commit a criminal offense. For example, all attempts to procure goods and services by deception are submitted to the corresponding fraud prevention officer, who reviews and compiles all associated materials and evidence, before referring the matter to the relevant authorities. Rusneftegaz may also elect to transfer any information provided voluntarily to the company outside Russia, including to jurisdictions that have lower standards of data protection. In rare situations whereby the user has submitted personal information to a subsidiary of the organization that is permanently beyond the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, then local data protection rules and regulations will be applied accordingly and appropriately. By submitting any details to Rusneftegaz through the website or by email, you hereby agree to allow the company to use such information in accordance with these policies.
Forward-looking Statements and Translations
Due to the complex nature of the business conducted by Rusneftegaz, a large quantity of information has been published on this website to inform users about the operations of the company and to be transparent with regard to financial matters. As a consequence, the organization may opt to utilize forward-looking statements on this site, with the intention of reporting projections or estimates of future production, fiscal results and commercial strategy. This may include terminology such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may, “”plan,” “seek,” “will” or any other similar expressions. Therefore, no party should rely unduly on such forecasts, as these have been promulgated for informational purposes only and may not be current. Additionally, no material on this website should be constituted as an offer, solicitation or recommendation to purchase or sell securities and or make any investments in any company, including Rusneftegaz. The organization may also elect to publish text and documents that were first written in another language and have been adapted accordingly to suit foreign audiences. For that reason, the company cannot wholly guarantee the correctness of the translation of this site, and will not accept any responsibility for any actions taken subsequently. The accuracy of these interpretations has not been verified, and all users are advised to refer to the original content, authored in either English or Russian, for each relevant webpage or record. Rusneftegaz also advises any user who is reliant upon the material on this website to consult with external parties to obtain a certified translation of the relevant text or document. Both of the English and Russian versions of this site have been prepared for informational purposes only, except for this legal notice, which was drafted and approved by an attorney acting on behalf of Rusneftegaz.
HTTP Cookies and Third-party Websites
To enhance the user experience of this website, Rusneftegaz may elect to implement complex codes and systems that are regulated by law to protect the site visitor from abusive practices. For instance, a small text file called an HTTP cookie may be utilized by the company to facilitate ongoing access to and use of the website, recognize repeat visitors, track user behavior, compile aggregate data for content improvement and to promote ease of access. To facilitate these functions, this site may opt to place an HTTP cookie on your device, which would result in the retention of your personal information. By using this website, all users have expressed their consent for HTTP cookies to be used by Rusneftegaz, and any other entities that the organization deems necessary, unless local laws and regulations stipulate otherwise. For example, any visitors located within the boundaries of the European Union will be asked implicitly to consent to their use of HTTP cookies in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. However, if a user located in a member state does not reject HTTP cookies arbitrarily, consent for their use by the company is therefore implied. Similar regulations are also in effect in the United Kingdom and California, a state located in the United States of America. Consequently, visitors located in jurisdictions where such legislation is enforced will be asked to comply with the appropriate measures accordingly. Likewise, this website may also contain hyperlinks to third-party websites for user convenience, and to provide further information. Rusneftegaz does not exercise any control over any of these sites, or any additional links that may be available or accessed through them, and therefore does not endorse, sponsor, recommend or accept any responsibility for their availability or content. The company indemnifies itself from any liability arising as a result of the material published on a third-party website, including any infringement of intellectual property rights. However, Rusneftegaz believes there are no such hyperlinks currently on this site, but urges users to remain vigilant to other websites that may use these codes for nefarious purposes.
Fraud Warning
As an organization, Rusneftegaz regards fraud as a major threat to its business, and undertakes comprehensive action to mitigate any potential losses arising as a result of abuse or deception. To prevent such felonies from occurring, the company warns all users that criminals are illegally using the name and intellectual property of Rusneftegaz and its subsidiaries, affiliates, and partners on the internet in an attempt to make unlawful gains. This does not merely include schemes to extort funds from the intended victims, but also wider conspiracies to acquire private information which could later be utilized to commit identity theft and other serious offenses. For instance, the organization knows of numerous domain names, all of which include the term “Rusneftegaz” or similar, which are being used to make fraudulent offers of goods and services via email. Other scams also purport to confirm the alleged reliability of fake contractual proposals which originate from business-to-business websites, and often include falsified documentation bearing the name and intellectual property of the company. Similar deceits have been reported whereby the criminals attempt to obtain, or phish, for personal data in fictitious job listings on popular employment sites. In the most extreme examples, these crimes are conducted on websites with an analogous or similar design or domain name to this, official website, and may even utilize the names and profiles of current staff, including incumbent managers and directors. We request that all users be vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the designated fraud prevention officer via email at, or by using the form on the contact page of this website. Users are also invited to verify the authenticity of any communications allegedly originating from the company by using the same methods. Rusneftegaz, and all subsidiaries, affiliates and partners, will not be held liable under any circumstances for the actions of fraudsters, nor any other actions arising as a result of documents or materials that imply a false affiliation with the organization.