Fraud Prevention Notice

In recent weeks, Rusneftegaz has been made aware of increasingly aggressive schemes that fraudulently use our branding to imply an association with our entity. The scam entails each victim being sent wholly contrived documentation via email, including commercial offers and draft contracts, pertaining to the crude oil and refined products that our corporation is renowned for producing. As the deception progresses, the target will then receive fictitious price lists with corresponding bank details to pay for such goods, with the objective of extracting full or partial payment in due course. Although these costs may relate directly to the fuels themselves, it is more common for the criminals to demand some form of disbursement for affiliated services, not limited to but inclusive of transportation and storage charges. Throughout each of these files, the offenders are likely to have crudely inserted a number of elements of our corporate imagery in an attempt to deceive recipients into thinking that such materials originated from our organization. For instance, this principally encompasses utilizing our logo illegitimately, or misrepresenting our board of directors as signatories to such paperwork. As a routine practice, these individuals delegate this authority to others via power of attorney, and ensure that no such arrangements are finalized without a non-electronic interaction with the counterparty beforehand. Be that as it may, in the most extreme scenarios, this may involve appropriating the identity of these employees, or maliciously registering entitles with similar names to our own. 

​Whilst the latter pertains almost exclusively to the most significant companies within our group, it may also be relevant to all our subsidiaries and affiliates, regardless of size or significance. As a result, we urge all prospective customers to be vigilant against fraud and abuse when conducting commercial activities in the petroleum industry, ultimately to prevent losses from occurring. Foremost, we maintain the capacity to verify the authenticity of any materials supposedly originating from our company, and we strongly recommend that anyone who receives such information contact us before signing agreements or transferring funds. Certain facts can be verified independently by corroborating both the telephone numbers and email addresses listed on this website, if necessary. All interested parties should be wary, however, that we only complete transactions via recognized commodities exchanges, and do not make proposals via intermediaries under any circumstances. Consequently, we advise all those looking to acquire Russian fuel to do so via the Saint-Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange, otherwise known as SPIMEX. This particular platform grants easy and convenient access to all the aforementioned cargoes, while also mitigating the financial and performance risks associated with such undertakings. We urgently require your cooperation and understanding regarding this crucial matter.