Job Applications
Please utilize the form below to apply for a position with Rusneftegaz, or one of our subsidiaries. It is preferable if as much information is furnished as practicable, including by uploading your resume, so that our staff can accurately assess your suitability as effectively and efficiently as possible. It should be noted that by disclosing your personal details to our company, you hereby agree to the processing, utilization and storage of this identifiable material in accordance with all applicable data protection legislation, mandates and regulations. These particulars will primarily be retained to expedite future employment opportunities and facilitate further communication. In compliance with such laws, this consent can be withdrawn at any time with a formal written request via email. Following your submission, one of our representatives shall contact you to discuss your candidacy, and make arrangements accordingly.
Please note that all disclosures made will be audited and any information found to be fictitious will result in the immediate rejection of an application. We thank you for your submission, and will contact you soon.