Bidding Platform

To facilitate our ongoing procurement requirements, Rusneftegaz utilizes this electronic platform to arrange the purchase of the goods and services we want from accredited vendors. To use this service, all approved participants should review the acquisition notices posted on this site and duly consider if their business has the capacity to fulfil our needs accordingly. Whilst the terms of each listing are to be followed as per the stipulations, it is preferable if suppliers present their best offer to us during their initial proposal, instead of relying upon further negotiations being held later in the process. In certain circumstances it may be necessary to acquire assets promptly, and we cannot wholly guarantee that there will be sufficient time for supplementary discussions to be conducted. Albeit, this is the exception rather than the norm, and we are ordinarily willing to accommodate delays if our demands are not urgent. For the same reasons, each applicant should attempt to furnish as much technical detail and information as practical in their original proposition to us, if it is requested in the corresponding advertisement. Despite the fact we are inclined to provide advice, clarifications and direction to all candidates, we can only do so before the submission deadline. 

​Notwithstanding the notion that all our tendering opportunities are published with a closing date, this timeframe is not fixed, and as the organizer we may opt to extend the duration of this mechanism when it is apt to do so. This is principally if we assess a prolongation as conducive to receiving more detailed submissions, potentially from a greater number of parties. Regardless, it should be noted that the majority of our invitations are open for an ample period for all the specified documentation to be sent to us without any hindrances, with a plethora of bidding options for sellers throughout the year. However, please be advised that this system is not public, and is thus only available to those who were previously authorized for consideration by Rusneftegaz. Registration for this is free of charge and accessible on this website, in conjunction with additional instructions explaining the certification procedure. Although we appear to restrict the types of entities that we accept into this structure, we do so to ensure that our potential partners have the competence and capability to satisfy our stringent preconditions. 

Each transmission to us will be logged and duly acknowledged by one of our representatives in due course, with updates punctually provided when relevant. Prior to presenting any records to our organization, all users should check that their contact details correct and have been updated since their enrollment. It is especially vital to inform us with regard to any amendments to email addresses, as our correspondences concerning all aspects of our contracting affairs are typically arranged via this medium. We do maintain the capacity to communicate through alternative means, including by telephone, mail and fax, and may elect to do so if appropriate. Moreover, all stakeholders are to be informed that by directing any material to our company, you hereby consent to the processing, utilization and storage of this data in accordance with all pursuant laws and regulations. Such matter will be retained not merely for future reference, but to enable subsequent communication. Any issues with respect to tendering, particularly in relation to any corruption or other criminal actions by our staff, can be directed via the proper channels. This also encompasses the email address, which may be utilized for general inquiries by all those interested in this scheme.