2024 Annual Awards Ceremony Held

Rusneftegaz marked the conclusion of our 25th anniversary year at an event on 22 November, where we acknowledged the achievements of our staff during what has been an outstanding twelve months for the company. Attendees at the dinner in Moscow included all the members of our board of directors, a number of our key stakeholders and a selection of other delegates. This was not limited to, but comprised of, various managers and senior personnel who have served us throughout the timeframe. Collectively, the entire contingent commemorated what has been a phenomenal period for our corporation, in which not only did we pass a key milestone in our corporate history, but also reported the highest revenue total from our operations. Whilst both of these are great accomplishments, perhaps the even greater accomplishment is that we are set to surpass this figure in our financial reporting next year, thus recording record turnover in consecutive years. At the end of the ceremony, our Deputy Chief Executive Officer, gave the following remarks:

“I would like to pay tribute to all of those who have won awards this evening, they have made an invaluable contribution to the progress of Rusneftegaz over the past year and some of them have done a truly fantastic job. I would also like to pay tribute to everyone else who has also worked for us this year, so many of our staff work so hard every day to make this company a success, and we are very grateful that they are working for us and not anyone else. To be honest, it has been an amazing year for us. Not only have we celebrated our 25th anniversary, but our business itself continues to go from strength-to-strength. At the end of the day, not many companies get to mark anniversaries like this, so it is definitely a major achievement, one that we should all be proud of. We are a company that is still going strong after twenty-five years now, and I think is more than fit enough for the next twenty-five.” 

On the night itself, the two major prizes of the evening were awarded to Anton Kirilov and Matvei Sechenov, who were named as Employee and Young Employee of the Year respectively. The former was instrumental in establishing our agrochemical trading business by producing voluminous research far beyond the expectations of his peers, while the latter became the youngest member of our workforce to oversee the monthly maintenance checks at one of our production sites in the Komi Republic. The immense contribution made these two individuals, in conjunction with the eleven other recipients of special commendations this year, are just some of the reasons why our organization has reason for optimism for the next twelve months. In addition to the aforementioned expansion of our fertilizer operations, which should come to full fruition within the next few weeks, the review into our corporate structure is also set to be finalized before our Annual General Meeting. If the proposed changes are approved, there will be announcements regarding any potential developments in due course. Ultimately, this could be a transformational period for our enterprise, and we remain grateful to all of our personnel who continue to work diligently for our success regardless of what may occur in the year ahead.