At the end of what has been a bountiful year for Rusneftegaz, the staff and dignitaries associated with our organization joined together to celebrate our achievements at our annual awards ceremony in Moscow, which was held on Friday last week. As an entity, we do our utmost to recognize the individuals who have been instrumental to our success, whether that is the technicians and engineers who are deployed out on site, or anyone who works for us in an administrative capacity. In spite of the fact that fact the considerable rate of growth we have registered can be attributed to a multitude of different factors, of which all our employees made vital contributions, our performance has also been bolstered by rising commodity prices, in conjunction with higher production volumes over the duration of the past twelve months. At the conclusion of was a thoroughly enjoyable night, our Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Aleksandr Filyurin, issued this statement in response:
“The board and I would firstly like to congratulate all the winners for their outstanding work this year. We had a lot of nominations to review this time, but as one of the judges, I think we chose well in the end. We would also like to place on record our thanks to all our staff who have helped us make this year one of the best in our history. When we first arrived here two-and-a-half years ago, it was obvious to us that we needed to do something to reverse the malaise that had set in at Rusneftegaz, and that is why we devised a strategy that we think will make this company more competitive. To speak directly, there was no ambition here, we just seemed to be waiting for someone to come along and buy all our assets. That is why I am proud of everyone here, no one had to listen to us or accept ideas, but they did. And now, we are now one of the most ambitious companies in the country, and I think that we have a very bright future ahead of us because of it.”
Overall, the major award of the evening was bestowed upon Aleksandr Ignatov, who was named as our employee of the year for his notable efforts after unexpectedly undertaking the roles of his two direct superiors for four weeks. Although it was not the intention of our leadership to allow this to happen, our esteemed colleague was content to do so and ably managed the situation. Following his brief tenure in management, he has not only since been promoted, but also received a significant financial bonus for his work for that period. Similarly, our prize for young employee of the year was given to Vladimir Lagunov, who successfully demonstrated all the skills he acquired during a critical incident that occurred at one of our more remote sites earlier this year, despite a severe injury he suffered and his inexperience in the field. Whilst these are only two of the impressive stories that have emerged from our business in the past twelve months, there have been countless more tales of individual accomplishment that warrant recognition throughout this timeframe. Because of this, we are incredibly grateful for all that our personnel do to ensure the prosperity of this enterprise, and hope that it continues long into the future.